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Corrispondenza familiare (Serie 1)

Lettere di:

  1. Hiram Powers
  2. Louisa Powers Ibbotson
  3. Alfred Buckingham Ibbotson
  4. Elizabeth Gibson Powers
  5. Longworth Nicholas Powers
  6. Edward Everett Powers
  7. J. B. Brown
  8. William Preston Powers
  9. Ann Barker Powers
  10. Ellen Elizabeth Powers
  11. Florence Powers
  12. Georgiana Rose Powers
  13. Lilly [?]
  14. A. Clark Branson
  15. Elizabeth Ball
  16. C. Theodore Gipner
  17. Gustave Ragnière
  18. Ellen A. Conti
  19. W. Wild Manager
  20. H. Walter Ibbotson
  21. George Lemmi
  22. A. L. C. [?]
  23. Movie [?]
  24. Catherine B. Carlton Manson
  25. Henry Charles Michaelles
  26. Alice Mildred Ibbotson
  27. J. L. Jermingham
  28. Bice Carmine
  29. Autori non identificati

Corrispondenza di lavoro (Serie 3)

Lettere di:

  1. Addison, S. R.
  2. Alimonda, Luigi
  3. Anastasi, Francesco
  4. Baring Brothers
  5. Baring, Thomas G.
  6. Benelli, Francesco
  7. Bienaimé, Francesco
  8. Bigazzi, Pietro
  9. Blackly, Joseph Warren
  10. Bowker Torry & co.
  11. Brassac, Hercule
  12. Brooks, Davis e Sidney
  13. Brown, Shipley & co.
  14. Carbonel, L. E.
  15. Carpi, Alessandro
  16. Carver & co.
  17. Clark, Charles Hallet
  18. Cotheal & co.
  19. Courrat
  20. Dehon, Theodore & co.
  21. Dehon, Clark & Bridges
  22. Du Fresne, Frères
  23. Fallani, Sofia V.
  24. Falconi, Mattia
  25. Favina, Achille
  26. Fenzi, Emmanuele & co.
  27. Gallaccini, Raffaello
  28. Galzes, [F.]
  29. Gambaccini, J. C.
  30. Gardiner, Rev. Frederik
  31. Gayarre, Charles
  32. Gibbs, George W.
  33. Gilman & Collamore
  34. Gipner, George
  35. Girardot & Perdicary
  36. Goodhue & co.
  37. Grant & co. (Livorno)
  38. Grant & co. + Dangar & co. (London)
  39. Greene, J. B. & co. (Le Havre)
  40. Greene, J. B. & co. (ricevute)
  41. Greene, W.[illiam]
  42. Grew, Henry Sturgis
  43. Grimke, T. Drayton
  44. Henderson, Brothers (Livorno)
  45. Henraux, S.
  46. Huguet & Van Lint
  47. Ibbotson Brothers & co.
  48. Jackson & Graham
  49. Kennaway, Sir John
  50. Kershaw, Thomas
  51. Kidder, Peabody & co.
  52. Maquay & Pakenham (Firenze)
  53. Maquay & Pakenham & Smyth (Livorno)
  54. Maquay, Pakenham & Hooker
  55. Martin, George
  56. Mirandoli, N.
  57. Mozier, Joseph
  58. Noccioli, Carlo
  59. Northern Assurance Company
  60. Occhini, Enrico
  61. Office of the Inventors’ Protective National Union
  62. O’Neale Hill & co.
  63. Oulonne, J. & co.
  64. Pacini, Ferdinand & co.
  65. Pate, Thomas & Sons
  66. Peabody, George & co.
  67. Piana, Gio.[vanni] Batt.[ista] & figlio
  68. Plawden & French
  69. Ralston, Lizzie H.
  70. Regia Accademia delle Belle Arti di Firenze
  71. Rocchi, Lodovico
  72. Romyn, F.
  73. Runcaldier & Bertoldi
  74. Sancholle, Bernardo & co. (Scavazione dei marmi del Monte Altissimo Seravezza)
  75. Verillon, Leger & co. (Scavazione dei marmi del Monte Altissimo Seravezza)
  76. Sartoni, J. B.
  77. Senn Kotzian & co.
  78. Smith, Henry [1]
  79. Tedeschi, Giuseppe
  80. Ten Broeck, Richard
  81. Tilicchi, Antonio
  82. Van Dam, R.
  83. Lettere di Preston Powers a:
  84. Antoine, J. & co.
  85. Bamps, F.A.
  86. Baring Brothers
  87. Binda, Joseph A.
  88. Brooks & co.
  89. Brown, Jacob B.
  90. Destinatario sconosciuto (lettera su J. Brown e Nannie)
  91. Brown, Shipley & co.
  92. Burns, Walter H.
  93. Burrows, Philip
  94. Clark, Charles Hallet
  95. Cunliffe, Alexander & co.
  96. Dehon, Theodore
  97. Dehon, Clark & Bridges
  98. Durant, Thomas G.
  99. Gibbs, George W.
  100. Gipner, Theodore
  101. Goodhue & co.
  102. Grant & Balfour
  103. Hyde, Samuel
  104. Jackson & Graham
  105. Kenneth, Davis & co.
  106. Maquay & Pakenham & Smyth
  107. Marsh, George Ozias
  108. Masi, Emilio
  109. Mattizzi, Lodovico
  110. Mc Cracken, J. e R. & co.
  111. Mc Henry, James
  112. Morgan, J. S.
  113. O’Neale, Hill & co.
  114. Pate, Thomas & sons
  115. Peabody, George
  116. Powers Ibbotson, Louisa
  117. Powers, Edward Everett
  118. Powers, Elizabeth Gibson
  119. Powers, Longworth
  120. Powers, Preston
  121. Rothchild & co.
  122. Sohir & Lowell
  123. Lettere di Preston Powers a:
  124. Bolton, L.
  125. Brooks, Sidney
  126. Brown, John Carter
  127. Crowell, Dr. Eugene
  128. Clark, Charles Hallet
  129. Gilbert, Frederick E.
  130. Howard, Henry
  131. Hulburt, Milan
  132. Ibbotson, Brothers & co.
  133. Mackay, Robert
  134. Masi, Emilio
  135. Mc Cracken, J. e R. & co.
  136. Mc Keane, Borie & co.
  137. Pate, Thomas & Sons
  138. Richmond, Henry A.
  139. Seward, C. A.
  140. Smith, Perry H.
  141. Williams, G. Stedman
  142. Mittenti vari a vari destinatari:
  143. Garcia, E. to Mrs. Rabe
  144. Ibbotson, Alfred B. to Alice
  145. Ibbotson, Alice to Alfred
  146. Ibbotson Powers, Louisa a vari destinatari + miscellanea
  147. Longworth Powers, trascrizione del testamento di Hiram Powers
  148. Mc Connel, K. H. Mc. K. Amanda, to Elizabeth Gibson Powers
  149. Powers, Hiram, jr. (figlio di Longworth) to Dini
  150. Robertson & Broomans (Patent Office London)
  151. Taylor, Bayard to Mrs. Elizabeth Gibson Powers
  152. Ricevuta (“Receipts” 1 c. senza data)
  153. Lista del lavoro giornaliero di Cerreti, (La Penserosa)
  154. Note miscellanee (miscellaneous notes)